Sippin' Foodie

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Baked Brie, Apples, Prosciutto & Honey

Baked Brie, Apples, Prosciutto & Honey. Just typing that out makes me feel like I've won some sort of culinary lottery where the prize is actually worth eating.

Now, let me set the scene for you. Picture this: warm, gooey Brie cheese that's just been lovingly embraced by the heat of your oven, sitting atop a pita-like it's the throne it rightfully deserves. But wait, there's more. This isn't just a cheese-on-bread situation. Oh no. We're throwing crispy apples into the mix because we're fancy and we care about our fruit intake. Then, because we're also about that savory life, we add prosciutto - the bacon's sophisticated cousin twice removed. A sprinkle of basil because we're classy, and a generous drizzle of honey for that sweet kiss goodbye. And just for kicks, a dash of garlic powder and red pepper flakes, because we like to live dangerously.

Here's the kicker - it only takes about 10 minutes to make. That's less time than it takes to argue with yourself about whether you should go to the gym or not. Drizzle a little olive oil on that pita, sprinkle some salt, garlic powder, and red pepper flakes like you're some kind of kitchen wizard. Slap on chunks of Brie - and don't be stingy. We're looking for a cheese-to-pita ratio that says, "I believe in miracles." Bake that masterpiece until it's melted to your liking because you're the boss of applesauce. Then, with the grace of a spoon (because knives are just too aggressive for Brie), flatten that cheese like you're smoothing out the wrinkles on your favorite shirt. Crown it with sliced apples, prosciutto, and basil. Finish it off with a drizzle of honey that says, "I'm sweet, but I can also be savory." And there you have it, a dish that's so good, it'll make you want to write a love letter to yourself for making it. Enjoy, you culinary genius, you.

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