Sippin' Foodie

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Caprese Focaccia Bread

So, let me tell you about the time I ventured into the wild world of Caprese Focaccia Bread making. It was a journey, folks. A journey into the fluffy heart of deliciousness. And the best part? Even my six-year-old gobbled it up, which is basically a miracle on par with turning water into wine, because let me tell you, that child usually approaches new foods like they're toxic waste.

The recipe is deceptively simple, kind of like assembling a high-stakes Lego set. You start with pizza dough—yes, pizza dough, the foundation of all that is holy in the carb world. But here’s the twist: you drown that baby in high-quality extra virgin olive oil. Not just any olive oil, mind you. We're talking the fancy stuff that you hide from guests. Then, you lovingly spread it out in a baking dish, not too thin, not too thick, just right. It’s like Goldilocks, but with dough. You’re basically making a pizza, but it's not a pizza; it’s fluffier, which is clearly a superior state of being.

Next comes the fun part: the toppings. I went classic with shredded mozzarella, tomato slices, fresh basil (because we're fancy), a sprinkle of garlic powder, and a dash of salt. It’s like the United Nations of ingredients, coming together in peace and harmony. After giving the dough a nice little dimple massage, because why not, you drizzle more olive oil on it. Because if there’s one thing this recipe teaches you, it’s that there’s no such thing as too much olive oil. Pop it in the oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, and voilà, you’ve got yourself a masterpiece. It's like magic, if magic tasted like the best darn fluffy bread you've ever had. Enjoy, my friends, enjoy!

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