Sippin' Foodie

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Garlic Bagel and Eggs

This is going to change your breakfast game forever. It's like someone took garlic bread and thought, "You know what this needs? An egg." And voilà, a star was born.

First off, you're going to want to play mad scientist with butter, minced garlic, and a pinch of salt. Melt them together in a pot like you're concocting a potion. This is the elixir of life, my friends. Next, take your bagel—I don't care if it's store-bought or if you wrestled a bear for it—you're going to make that hole bigger. Why? Because we're not here to play it safe. We're here to stuff it with an egg.

Dip those bagel halves into your buttery garlic concoction like they're going for a swim, and lay them out on a baking sheet like they're sunbathing in the Bahamas. Don't forget to dress them up with more of that butter and garlic mixture. Then, crack an egg right in the center like you're performing a magic trick. Sprinkle on some oregano, thyme, red pepper flakes, and a bit more salt because we live on the edge. Pop it in the oven at 400 degrees for 7-10 minutes, depending on whether you like your eggs runny or firm. No judgment here.

And there you have it, folks. The Garlic Bagel and Egg. It's like breakfast and Italian dinner had a delicious baby. It's so easy, you could probably do it in your sleep. But please, don't try that. Enjoy your breakfast, and remember, you heard it here first.

How I made it:

- Melt butter, minced garlic and some salt in a pot.
- Widen the existing hole in both halves of the bagel by cutting a larger hole out of it for the egg to fit.
- Dip the cut sides of the bagel into the butter, and place onto a baking sheet (use parchment paper).
- Brush the top of the bagel with extra butter and garlic mixture. Sprinkle garlic powder all over.
- Crack an egg into the middle of the bagel.
- Sprinkle everything with oregano, thyme, red pepper flakes, salt
- Bake at 400 for 7-10 min, or until the egg is cooked to your preference.