Sippin' Foodie

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Hot Mess Express

Imagine this: it's the crack of dawn, your brain is foggy, and your stomach is screaming louder than your alarm. What do you do? Whip up the most chaotic, fire-breathing breakfast beast you've ever seen, obviously.

So, here's the deal. You're gonna need a bunch of stuff from your fridge and pantry. We're talking eggs (because what's breakfast without eggs?), English muffins (the unsung heroes of the bread world), some of that liquid lava they call hot sauce, half & half (because we're fancy like that), butter (more is more, people), bacon (because bacon), an absurd amount of shredded cheddar cheese (go big or go home), and a few other bits and bobs like garlic powder, salt, pepper, and parsley (for when you wanna pretend you're a Michelin-star chef).

First, I cooked the bacon, because priorities. While that was sizzling, I preheated my oven to a cheeky 420 degrees and buttered those English muffins like I was painting the Sistine Chapel. A sprinkle of garlic powder here, a dash of ambition there, and into the oven they went. Meanwhile, in a bowl, I played mad scientist with eggs, half & half, and hot sauce, then scrambled that concoction with a touch of butter. Slapped the cheesy goodness onto those crispy muffin halves, piled on the scrambled eggs, more cheese (because, why not?), and the bacon. A final drizzle of hot sauce for those of us who like to live dangerously, and back into the oven it went until everything was melty and perfect. Garnished with parsley to make it look like I actually planned this madness, and voilà!

And there you have it, the Hot Mess Express. It's not just breakfast; it's a flavor explosion that's guaranteed to kick-start your day with a bang. You're welcome, world.

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