Rice Noodle Stir Fry

Alright, folks, today I'm diving into the chaotic world of quick-fix dinners because, let’s face it, not all of us have the luxury to pretend we’re on a cooking show with all the time in the world. Enter the lifesaver of the kitchen: Rice Noodle Stir Fry. If your idea of cooking is popping a frozen pizza in the oven, buckle up, because we're about to get gourmet in, like, 10 minutes. And no, it won't taste like you're eating the box it came in.

First things first, you're going to need to arm yourself with some Soyaki marinade sauce from the holy land of affordable groceries, Trader Joe's. If you don't have one nearby, I'm sending virtual hugs and a backup plan: grab any teriyaki sauce that doesn't look like it's from the last century, or get wild and mix some soy sauce with honey. Yes, you are now a chef. Congratulations. Now, grab every veggie that hasn't met its moldy demise in your fridge. I went for baby corn, water chestnuts, sugar snap peas, black olives, and a yellow onion because I'm fancy like that. Feel like the dish is missing something? Throw in some shrimp or chicken; we're not here to judge.

While those bad boys are getting all cozy with the sauce (sprinkle some garlic powder and red pepper flakes for that "Oh, I totally know what I'm doing" vibe), boil water for the rice noodles. Yes, you have to actually boil water, this isn’t astronaut food. Cook those squiggly wonders for about 5-7 minutes, then toss them into the pan with your veggie concoction. Mix it all up, and voila, you’ve just made yourself a meal that doesn’t scream "I gave up on life." So there you have it, a Rice Noodle Stir Fry that’ll make you feel like a Michelin star chef, even if your culinary skills are usually more microwave-oriented. Enjoy, and remember, if you can stir, you can stir fry.

Yield: 4
Author: Sippin Foodie
Rice Noodle Stir Fry

Rice Noodle Stir Fry

Need dinner ready in less than 10 min, but also don’t want it to taste like cardboard? Well, I’ve got a quick and very tasty dish for you to try! If you like teriyaki or soy sauce based flavors, this is IT.
Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 15 MinTotal time: 20 Min



  1. Go to your local @traderjoes and buy their Soyaki marinade sauce, or if you don’t have a TJ’s, use your favorite teriyaki sauce (or mix soy sauce with a little honey). Throw theveggies in a pan, cook with the sauce, about 5 min (I sprinkled with a little garlic powder and red pepper flakes).
  2. While those are cooking, boil water and cook rice noodles (5-7 min), add the noodles to the pan and mix everything together! Enjoy!
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