Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese Breakfast Pizza Bites

You know how you love those lox bagels? The ones that make you feel like you're brunching in the fanciest New York deli? Well, hold onto your mimosas because we're about to kick it up a notch. Enter stage left: Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese Breakfast Pizza Bites. Yes, you heard me. We're throwing tradition out the window and slapping that salmon on pizza dough because we're wild and fancy like that.

I went all out and grabbed some smoked salmon that's been rolling around in 'everything but the bagel' seasoning because we're about that extra life. You'll need cream cheese (because what is life without cream cheese?), red onion for that sharp bite, and some fresh chives or dill – whatever herb speaks to your soul. And the base of our culinary masterpiece? Pizza dough. I snagged mine from Portland Pie Co. because if you're going to do it, do it right, am I right?

Here's the magic spell: Brush some evoo (that's extra virgin olive oil for those not in the know) all over your pizza dough like you're painting a masterpiece. Then, get wild with garlic powder, basil, and a whisper of salt. Broil that baby for about 4-5 minutes until it's golden like the morning sun. Let it cool because, patience. It's a virtue and also prevents burnt fingers. Slather on a generous layer of cream cheese, lay down your salmon like you're tucking it into bed, and adorn it with slices of red onion. Choose your herby crown – chives or dill – and sprinkle it on like fairy dust. Then, because we're civilized, cut it into cute little triangle pieces. You've just made Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese Breakfast Pizza Bites that are about to blow your mind and probably impress your friends too. Enjoy, you culinary rebel, you.

You’ll need:

- Smoked Salmon (I used salmon with ‘everything but the bagel seasoning’)
- Cream Cheese
- Red Onion
- Fresh Chives or Dill
- Pizza Dough (ready-to-bake from Portland Pie Co.)

How I made it:

Brush evoo all over the top surface of the pizza dough.

Sprinkle with garlic powder, basil, and a pinch of salt.

Broil it for about 4-5 min until it starts to brown.

Remove it and let it sit for five min to cool.

Then spread cream cheese all over the top, adding a layer of smoked salmon, followed by sliced red onion.

Add either fresh chives or dill on top.

Cut into little triangle pieces (like a pizza). Enjoy!



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