The Garden of Misfits

Oh, the Garden of Misfits, you say? Sounds like a party where the wallflowers turn out to be the life of the party.

First, I took a squash and a zucchini, probably the only two who would've normally talked to each other, and introduced them to some mushrooms, a sweet onion, and the life of the party, garlic. Because, let’s be real, everything is better with garlic. After they all got acquainted in a large skillet with some EVOO and butter (because butter makes everyone better friends), I spiced up the conversation with garlic powder, oregano, salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper. You know, just enough spice to keep things interesting.

As they all started to soften up—like, “Hey, maybe we do like each other”—I splashed in some chicken broth to cool things down and threw in the Kalamata olives. Those olives are like the cool kids who suddenly show up and make everything more fun. After letting them mingle for a bit, I crowned the whole thing with some fresh thyme and parsley. Because honestly, who doesn’t like a little green in their life?

And there you have it, the Garden of Misfits, all dolled up and surprisingly harmonious. Serve it up as a side dish that’s secretly eyeing the main course spot, or just let it shine as the star of the show. Either way, you’re about 20 minutes away from patting yourself on the back and pretending you’re a culinary wizard. Bon appétit, or whatever fancy chefs say!

Yield: 4
Author: Sippin Foodie
The Garden of Misfits

The Garden of Misfits

Feeling fancy but lazy? Whip up this ‘I can’t believe it’s not takeout’ squash, zucchini, mushroom, onion, and garlic extravaganza. Only 20 minutes to pretend you’re a master chef, and it’s versatile enough to serve as a side or steal the show as a main. So rich in flavor, it might just make you believe in magic—or at least in your cooking.
Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 11 MinTotal time: 16 Min



  1. Chop up all veggies. Add to a large skillet with EVOO, butter, plenty of garlic powder, crushed red pepper, oregano, salt & pepper.
  2. Stir intermittently and cook on medium high for about 5-10 min until veggies are semi-soft.
  3. Add chicken broth and Kalamata olives. Stir again, let it sit for about 3 min. Add fresh thyme and parsley, serve and enjoy!
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