Sippin' Foodie

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Viral Smashed Sweet Potato

Let's get this straight: I love sweet potatoes, but sometimes, just baking or mashing them feels like I’m not living my best foodie life. Enter the viral smashed sweet potatoes—because why just eat them when you can smash them with the fury of a thousand suns?

I decided to give these taters a makeover that would make even the most stoic of vegetables weep with joy. I preheated my oven to a cozy 400 degrees, because we all know that’s the magic number where the real cooking happens. Then, I took this large sweet potato—yes, it had to be large because go big or go home, right?—and I sliced it up into 1-inch thick pieces. It felt a bit like I was a surgeon, but with less at stake.

I seasoned those rounds with salt like I was salting the earth of my enemies, laid them out on a tin foil-lined baking sheet (because who has time for scrubbing pans?), and popped them in the oven. They baked for about 25-30 minutes, which was just enough time for me to ponder the mysteries of the universe—like why no one has made a potato-themed amusement park.

When they were tender and begging for mercy, I took them out and gave them the smash. Not just any smash, but a calculated, “I know what I’m doing” kind of smash with a fork. If you're doing it right, you feel a bit like a villain in a superhero movie. After flattening them, I slathered each one with butter, showered them with garlic powder, a bit more salt because why not, a generous sprinkle of parmesan, and some fresh thyme to pretend I’m classy.

Back they went under the broiler for 5 minutes, because we want those edges crispy enough to make a toast jealous. And voilà, out they came looking like a masterpiece. You can drizzle some honey over them if you’re feeling fancy, or just devour them as is if you can’t wait. Either way, you’ve turned a humble sweet potato into a crunchy, melty, garlicky spectacle of deliciousness. Enjoy the feast, and remember, smashing things can indeed be very therapeutic!

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